Author Bio:

Tamera Will Wissinger writes poetry and stories for children. She is the author of GONE FISHING: A Novel in Verse, GONE CAMPING: A Novel in Verse, both published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Young Readers, THIS OLD BAND, and THERE WAS AN OLD LADY WHO GOBBLED A SKINK both published by Sky Pony Press. She has shared her reading and writing joy and encouragement with thousands of young people and adults. Tamera earned her Master of Fine Arts in Writing degree from Hamline University in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Author Photo:

Reviews of GONE FISHING: A Novel In Verse:

"This book might inspire some to pursue an interest in fishing, but it will surely encourage all of them to delve into the world of poetry." –School Library Journal STARRED Review FULL REVIEW

"Just the thing for readers with a burgeoning interest in poetry—or angling." - Publishers Weekly FULL REVIEW

"A playful verse narrative of the joys and perils of a family fishing trip. . . . This tender, well-crafted sibling story should hook many readers." - Kirkus Reviews FULL REVIEW

"Engaging verse that's just the right depth and length for chapter-book readers. . . A solid, entertaining story to hook children on poetry." - Booklist

 "All of Sam's episodes take the form of poems, each discreetly labeled by its poetic form, which is then defined at the end of the book. . . most will enjoy the notion that there are as many ways to tell a tale as to catch a fish." Bulletin  


Writing Craft Essays That Tamera Wrote

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Feature article on Caroline Starr Rose's Blog Caroline by line Why Poetry Matters

Monday, April 22, 2013

Feature article on E. Kristin Anderson's Blog Write All The Words! A MIGHTY BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER: THE UNLIKELY INFLUENCE Les Misérables HAD ON Gone fishing: A Novel In Verse

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Feature article on Gabrielle Prendergast's Blog Verse Novels Why Write a Novel In Verse?

Thursday, March 14, 2013 

Feature article on Smack Dab in the Middle (a middle grade authors' blog) Just a Day At The Lake

Overview: Using the "Spring Break" Smack Dab March theme, Tamera shares how a day at the lake helped inspire the poetry for GONE FISHING.

October 19, 2012 on The Class of 2k13 Blog GONE FISHING: A Novel in Verse – An Apples to (Caramel) Apples Comparison

December 7, 2012 on The Class of 2k13 Blog GONE FISHING: A Novel in Verse – An Unconventional Crossroad of Children’s Literature


Interviews & Book Features

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Interview with Marsha Qualey at The Storyteller's Inkpot


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Interview with Barry Eva on A Book and a Chat


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New Voices Interview with  Cynthia Leitich Smith 


April, 2013 

The Ink Splat feature with Naomi Kinsman at Society of Young Inklings


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Interview with Britta for the Stand Alone Reading Challenge

Overview: Britta asks me a light-hearted "this or that" series of questions that I answered from the perspective of main character, Sam.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Interview with Author & Editor Chuck Sambuchino at Writers Digest Guide to Literary Agents Blog 


Interview with Orchid at the middle grade book feature website The Haunting of Orchid 

Overview: Orchid offers an eclectic range of questions about writing, poetry, and fishing. 


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Interview with middle grade author and poet Skila Brown at One Four Kid Lit

Overview: Skila asks about the unconventional blend of a verse story for younger readers.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Interview with my Lucky 13 middle grade author friend Liesl Shurtliff at The Lucky 13s

Overview: Liesl delves into the benefits of poetry reading for non-poets.


GONE FISHING featured by my Class of 2k13 classmate, YA author Lydia Kang, at her blog The Word Is My Oyster  


Interview with Author Caela Carter at Teen Writers Block  


Nancy J. Cavanaugh wished a happy book birthday to me at Nancy's Book Bag


Gabrielle Prendergast celebrated the release of GONE FISHING at


Monday, March 4, 2013 Interview with my Class of 2k13 middle grade author friend Polly Holyoke at Class of 2k13

Overview: In this creativity-based interview Polly asks about writing to capture the anticipation that children feel so strongly.

GONE FISHING featured by my dear writing friend, picture book author (and critique partner extraordinaire) Jamie A. Swenson


Friday, March 1, 2013 Interview with Carmela Martino at Teaching Authors

Overview: In this teaching-based interview, Carmela asks about education and the path to publication, and provides a sneak peek poem from GONE FISHING.


December 20, 2012

Interview at Stacked Books