Celebrating National Aviation Day and The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 3:10PM
Tamera WIll Wissinger in Janet Wong, National Aviation Day, Sylvia Vardell, The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations

It’s August 19 – National Aviation Day! I’m celebrating the holiday with my poem for children called: National Aviation Day. This poem is one of over 150 poems by 115 poets that make up The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations compiled by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong from Pomelo Books.

There are so many things to love about the anthology - the wide variety of poems that touch on familiar and not-so-familiar holidays and celebrations throughout the year, the Take 5! activities that accompany each poem, the clear layout that let readers see and choose where they'd like to dive in. I also love that some of the poems are based on heritages and holidays around the world and every poem is in both English and Spanish. Janet and Sylvia worked with several interpreters who helped make the translations. Here is the opening stanza for my poem:


On National Aviation Day

we honor pilots, planes, and flight.

We celebrate two brothers

Orville and Wilbur Wright.



“En el Día Nacional de la Aviación

honramos a los pilotos, aviones y vuelos,

y celebramos a dos hermanos,

Orville y Wilber Wright,” 

To celebrate my poem and the beginning of the new school year, I’m giving away one set of THE POETRY FRIDAY ANTHOLOGY FOR CELEBRATIONS. This includes the illustrated student edition and the teacher/librarian edition. If you’d like to enter my giveaway, just comment here.

You can also enter by retweeting one of my Twitter tweets, or tweet on your own using my handle @TameraWissinger or #NationalAviationDayPoem. Here are two sample tweets. Feel free to use one or both:

Interested in a fun #poetry book #teachers or #librarians? @TameraWissinger has a giveaway: The PFA FOR CELEBRATIONS http://tinyurl.com/p7dny48

.@TameraWissinger is celebrating her #NationalAviationDayPoem with a giveaway of the The PFA FOR CELEBRATIONS http://tinyurl.com/p7dny48

Another way to enter is to mention or share on Facebook with a tag to me. The contest goes through noon Eastern Daylight Time on Wednesday, August 26, 2015. After that, I'll collect the entries and draw from my ditty bag.


Thanks for stopping by and if you enter the giveaway, good luck!

Congratulations, Sarah Rose, winner of the giveaway. Thanks for participating, everyone!

(Post updated on 8/28/15)

Article originally appeared on tamerawillwissinger (http://www.tamerawillwissinger.com/).
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