
National Poetry Month is Almost Here!

Last week for Poetry Friday, Jone at Maclibrary listed her plans for participating in National Poetry Month. I liked the idea so much that I decided to be a copy cat and list the ways that I’m participating in National Poetry Month 2013. Here goes:

  • Each week during April I’m planning to feature a different poetic form here on my blog.
  • April 18 I’ll be on my blog with a feature article for Verse Day.
  • April 18 I’ll be reading poetry with Mrs. Scales’s students at the Vero Beach Book Center for POEM IN YOUR POCKET day.
  • April 22 on her blog Emily Kristin Morse will feature my article about the influence of Musicals on my Verse Novel. 
  • April 27 I’ll be at The Book Stall in Winnetka, IL for a poetry workshop with young poets.

Here are a few poetry-related features that aren’t yet scheduled:

  • In early April I’ll be online at the Society of Young Inklings.
  • Caroline Star Rose is featuring an article by me on her blog in celebration of National Poetry Month.
  • Greg Pincus invited me to participate in his 30 Poets/30 Days celebration.

Whew! It'll be an exciting month.

What are you doing to celebrate poetry month?


Mary Lee is hosting POETRY FRIDAY at A Year of Reading  

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Reader Comments (7)

Wow--busy month for you, Tamera! Good luck with it all.

Reply: Hello Heidi. Thanks for the encouragement on my Poetry Month activities - busy but fun!

March 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHeidi

What a great idea. I'll be coming back weekly to check out the forms you are highlighting each week. thank you for all the fun poetry activities.

I'm helping children make pockets for their Poem in Your Pocket Day poems at my local library.
I'm posting a poem a day and a writing exercise, challenge.
On April 20, I'm celebrating my 2 year anniversary with my blog of posting a poem a day. I've posted over 725 poems already.

Reply: Hi Joy, Thanks for stopping by and for your encouragement. Your poetry month activities sound like a lot of fun. Congratulations on your 2 year blogaversary! That's a lot of poems; how wonderful.

March 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoy Acey

I'll be writing a poem or two a day each day for the month of April in the A to Z Challenge (for the second year). There will be a theme...last year it was a different form of poetry that started with each letter of the alphabet in order, along with a Tagxedo. This year it will be...revealed on Monday.

Reply: Hi Donna. Wow, an A to Z challenge sounds challenging, but fun! I'm going to have to check out your theme - what an inspiration!

March 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDonna Smith

Lots of great ideas/activities on tap in April, Tamera! Happy Easter! =)

Reply: Hi Bridget. Happy Easter to you! Thanks for your encouragement here. Have a happy Poetry Month!

March 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBridget Magee

Sounds like a very busy month! I asked our pastor to agree to post a poem in the church bulletin each week in April and will hand out poems on Poem in Your Pocket Day. But you and others have inspired me to mark NPM with more writing!

Reply: Hi Joyce! What a neat idea to add poetry to the church bulletin. I love the hand out poem idea, too. And it makes me so happy that you're inspired to write poetry in April! Good luck and have fun!

March 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoyce Ray

What a fun month ahead! I'll be drawing and seeing if poems arise from these drawings. I can't wait to read your article at Caroline's and to see the forms you highlight. This will be great to share with students too! Thank you, Tamara! And thank you again for the shout-out earlier this week too! xo, a.

Reply: Hi Amy! April is a fun month. I love your drawing and writing exercise for Poetry Month. I like to draw and paint, too, and sometimes find poems in the art. Thanks for your enthusiasm and encouragement here! My pleasure to promote FOREST HAS A SONG - it's a beautiful poetry book! Tamera

March 30, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAmy Ludwig VanDerwater

Excited to add your post to my list! Looking forward to visiting this month.

Reply: Thank you, Caroline! I'm so happy to be joining your awesome line-up of poets for National Poetry Month.

April 2, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCaroline Starr Rose

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